Take Action
We urgently need your help.
In the last ten months, CBF has supported 1,212 individuals facing cancer, 30% more than in all of 2023.
100% of your donation ensures patients with cancer receive CBF support at no-cost. Your gift allows this support to remain available.
Discover the CBF mission! Your friends, family, and co-workers are invited to volunteer with us. Find various volunteer needs that fit your availability:
Nourishing Hope for the future.
“My leaf is in memory of my mom, Christine. Who will your leaf honor? A loved one, friend, or co-worker? Let’s celebrate them with a legacy gift to the Tribute Tree.”
- Matt Dexter, CBF Founder
Each budding leaf to this Tribute Tree will provide four months of healthy foods to a family facing cancer, a gift in honor, memory, or thanks to someone.
With a $35/month pledge, you can custom-engrave a leaf on this Tribute Tree, flourishing at CBF’s Darling’s Auto Fulfillment Site. Learn more by reaching us at (207) 573-9026 / info@chrisbfund.org or pledge your support below: